Recently I picked up a Sensu Brush Stylus, as I wanted to try out some digital drawing on the iPad. Of course you could do this with a regular stylus no problem, but as soon as I saw a clip about this paint brush version in an e-newsletter I went out and bought one! What can I say – it called to me 😀 .
Personally, a paint brush just feels more natural in my hand vs a short stylus handle, and even the feeling of the bristles touching the surface is just more comfortable to me. This probably explains why I splashed out on a set of Mac make-up brushes years ago, lol! It’s one of those things that once you have them you wonder how you got by without them. Anyway, as a painter brushes just feel right at home in my hand I guess was the point I was trying to make there haha!
Sensu Brush Stylus:
Conductive brush bristles work on touchscreen devices:

How cool is that??? These clever folks figured out how to make brush bristles work on touch screen devices (eg: smartphones, tablets, etc)! So very cool indeed. I haven’t had much time yet to play around on the iPad with it, but I’m already hooked. Tonight I was tinkering with an abstract and experimenting with different layers / transparencies:

my first abstract experiment using new Sensu brush stylus on iPad
What I did learn in a hurry though is not all drawing apps are sensitive to the pressure and varied widths of the brush strokes, so keep that in mind if you decide to pick one up for yourself. Some will react, some won’t, but that’s ok because there are lots of apps out there so you’ll be sure to find ones that work the way you like. I got my hands on a couple that I quite enjoy (like Paper53, and SketchPro) and I totally dig the brush effects you can do in some of them:

horrible text haha, but wanted to demonstrate the strokes the brush can achieve in the ProCreate app
I’m sure there’s various places around Calgary to pick one of these babies up, but I happened to grab mine at Kensington Art Supply here in town (perk of having new products on e-newsletters folks! 😉 ).
For more info, be sure to check out Sensu’s website: