As the old saying goes… “better late than never” lol. Right? For the past 6 years I’ve had a tradition of putting together a blog post recapping the art pieces that I worked on leading up to Christmas time. So in the spirit of keeping this tradition alive, I am writing it deep into January even though it’s way later than usual 🙂
Between October & December 2019 I completed 8 acrylic paintings, and approximately 48 Pets-a-Sketches, as ordered from customers to give as Christmas gifts. Many were local, but some traveled across the country, and a couple even to the US!

(To view larger images of each of the acrylic on canvas paintings shown above, please check out my Pet Portrait Portfolio page.)
The bulk of the sketch orders this season were in ornament form, not only because they are Christmas themed, but also likely because (at the time of announcing them for the season) I was down to my last ones ever! They were discontinued a few years back, and I had just ran out of the last of my stash in November. But shortly before Xmas, lo-and-behold I found some more in town here by total fluke! What are the odds??? So they will continue on for a couple years yet 🙂

Anyway, in addition to the dozens of ornament orders this season, there were also some requests for the unframed formats, such as the set shown at the top of this post. I also wanted to share my favourite sketch from the season shown below:

“Precious & Zeko: Bat Cats” | ink + watercolour on paper
So cute! I can’t resist pets in clothes, I think it’s both hilarious and adorable.
If you’ve been with me for a little while (whether it be here on my blog, my e-newsletter, or my social media), you’ll probably already know that one of my favourite things ever is receiving photos from customers showing the pet they had me paint posing next to their artwork. I was so excited to see a photo of Boujee the bunny with his portrait in my email inbox over the holidays:
(If you’re having trouble viewing this photo, you can view it directly on Instagram HERE.)
Boujee is so stinkin’ cute!! Definitely one of my favourite paintings from the entire year.
On a personal note: this painting season ended up being quite a bit different than usual, time wise. As some of you may already know, I work part time at an art supplies store here in Calgary. In the Fall I took on more days there, so as a result I now have a fraction of the days to paint each month than I did before. So even though the overall number of finished pieces this season was slightly less than last year, to be honest I don’t even know how I pulled off this amount with that crazy schedule change right in the middle haha! Those three months were a total blur, I do know that for sure 😀
Big thanks to all of my clients for trusting me with their special Christmas gifts this season, and throughout the whole year as well! I am very grateful <3