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that's a wrap on ornaments…and that’s a wrap!

As of today, I officially ran out of my ornaments 🙁 . So from here on out, unfortunately I’m no longer able to offer my Pets-a-Sketches in ornament form.

They were actually discontinued a few years ago (so sadly I knew this day would eventually come), and so I bought as many as I could at that time! But my finite supply has now been depleted 🙁 .

About 7 years ago I introduced these as a fun seasonal option for my Pets-a-Sketch pieces at no extra cost to the sketches themselves, and they were a huge hit! Many clients added to their collections over the years as their family of pets expanded, and it makes me sad that I can no longer continue with this tradition. But it makes me so happy that I was able to make others happy with their ornament givings & receivings through the years, and will cherish all the kind notes & pix that I received from recipients along the way.

My Pets-a-Sketch series will of course still continue in the original (non-ornament) format, so please do feel free to get in touch if you are interested in an unframed 5×7, 8×10, or custom size at this time or in the future. More info on those can be found on my Pets-a-Sketch page.

Thank you again to everyone who ordered a sketch ornament from me over the years! It was a fun adventure while it lasted <3

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