A couple weeks ago I got to mail out a painting of Rocky the Boston Terrier. As soon as his package made it home in Moncton / New Brunswick, they let me know it arrived safe and also sent me some adorable pix of Rocky posing with his painting!! My favourite one shown above 🙂
For this piece we used my client’s favourite photo of her pup, showing him in a forest scene covered in leaves. In the original photo Rocky was wearing a harness/leash but we removed that in the painting, and she also asked that I include his name tag (from another pic). This was no problem of course, although I’ll admit the scale of doing the text that tiny was tricky lol! But I like those types of challenges. Here is a close up pic of the name tag detail (with finger to show scale):

Oh! And you know what else headed out with their package? A watercolour Pets-a-Sketch! She sent me two pix of Rocky to choose from, and while both were adorable I opted for the one of him wearing a frilly shirt of some kind. I’m a sucker for pets in clothes what can I say lol. You can take a peek at the finished drawing here:
(If you are having trouble viewing this photo, you can also view it HERE .)
To view the full image of Rocky’s painting, please visit my Pet Portraits Portfolio Page.