“Hello, my name is Dudley, and I’m insanely cute!!”
A couple weeks ago this 8″x10″ painting headed off to Edmonton AB. Dudley is a 9 year old one-eyed Boston Terrier, who was adopted by his “hooman dad” about 4 years ago. When they received the painting, this is what they posted on Instagram with a note below:
(If you are having trouble viewing the above photo, you can view it online HERE)
“A while back, I decided that my dad’s world didn’t revolve around me quite enough and since there was an open spot on the wall, a pet portrait of yours truly seemed like the only logical thing to hang there. So, he got a hold of Robyn @artbyrobynmillar, to do up a little something and this is what she did. I don’t know about you guys but I think she did a freakin’ FANTASTIC job!!☺”
If you are on Instagram and like following animal accounts (I am most definitely guilty of this lol), and like a bit of humour thrown in there, feel free to check out Dudley’s account at www.instagram.com/dudley.the.boston/.
I really enjoyed painting this little guy, and am super happy that Dudley & his dad are enjoying the painting <3 !
A fun side note – Dudley isn’t the first one-eyed cutie pup I’ve got the pleasure of painting to date! The first is Mookie (view the pic on facebook HERE), then I got to do two watercolour sketches of Willard (a pic can be viewed HERE) who were actually commissioned by Dudley’s dad 🙂 .