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This week I got my hands on the Winter ’13 issue of Best Home Magazine for Western Canada, and on pages 83-90 there is a feature on Hyatt Homes’ “Castello” show home in Bearspaw AB… and guess who provided the custom original artwork for this luxurious home? Moi!

Check out my ‘Through the Trees’ triptych and ‘Extending Cherry Blossoms’ triptych on page 88:

page 88

left: pg 88 of the magazine, middle: close up of upper photo, right: close up of lower photo

I was so excited to see page 88, that at first I totally missed my ‘Antique Cloudscape’ triptych on page 89, haha!!


left: close up of magazine pg 89, right: detail shot I took of ‘Antique Cloudscape’ in master bedroom at the show home

After I realized that I missed that one, I played a bit of where’s waldo and located my minature abstract from my ‘Tile Series’ in the living room on page 85 as well. Teeny tiny, but still worth noting because I have a sense of humour like that, lol:

tile 214 pix

left: magazine pg 85, middle: close up of my miniature abstract in the magazine shot, right: detail shot of my “Tile #214″ (5″x5” | acrylic on canvas)

And here are a couple snaps of ‘Through the Trees’ and ‘Extending Cherry Blossom’ that I took at the show home in case you wanted to take a closer peek:

left: 'Through the Trees', right: 'Extending Cherry Blossoms'

left: ‘Through the Trees’, right: ‘Extending Cherry Blossoms’

So there it is, four of my paintings in Best Home magazine 🙂 So happy!

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