Look what I discovered in Avenue Magazine’s April 2013 issue! Three sets of my paintings are shown in one of their local reno features! 🙂
First up – we have my ‘Architectural’ triptych in their living room, which is first shown in the table of contents on pg 20, then featured on pg 114, and is also shown again on pg 116! Second – on page 115 you can catch my custom Pet Portraits of adorable Luke & Lily in their kitchen. A photo of Luke can be found on page 116 also.

‘Architectural’ triptych shown on pg 114 & ‘Luke’ and ‘Lily’ pet portraits shown on pg 115
And thirdly – we have my ‘Metropolitan’ diptych that was custom made to fit snugly over their king bed in their master bedroom, which is featured on page 118, then also shown again on pg 129.

‘Metropolitan’ diptych shown on pg 118
The home featured in this article is owned by one of the nicest couples you will ever meet! I’ve had the pleasure to paint multiple custom pieces for them over the years. And I was super excited to hear that Avenue Magazine planned to do a feature on their home, I just wasn’t sure when it was being published. Well today I saw the article, and I couldn’t be happier that THREE of my painting sets are shown! Super exciting!
Here is a link to the online version of the magazine (although I’m not sure how long the link is active for) if you’d like to take a peek:
UPDATE (Apr 29th)
Here is a direct link to an article on this reno (again not sure how long the link is live for, but check it out if you can):