A client contacted me a couple months back, and had a special request that I paint her cat – times two! Dharma had been her cat for many years, and then her sister’s cat. Dharma had a very long and very loved life, and when she passed this summer my client wanted to get a pet portrait painting done for herself, plus one for her sis which I thought was quite sweet!
So this weekend, my client gifted both paintings to her sister for her birthday so that she could pick out which one she wanted. And the paintings have matching backgrounds too! Purple, her sister’s favourite colour. So this whole scenario kind of reminds me of those bff pendants from back in the day that you split in half and gave one half to your bestie & got to keep the other half lol. On that note, I’m very curious to see who ends up with which painting! What a sweet gift between sisters <3
Full images of each painting can be viewed in my Pet Portrait Portfolio Gallery.
Ps – does Dharma not look like a long lost cousin to my cat Ratty?? Take a peek HERE. Gotta love tuxedo cats <3
Just found out who got which painting 😀
My client got the one with the full body crop, and her sis took the one with Dharma’s crossed legs 🙂