With the 2016 holiday season approaching, I wanted to share some important info / dates for those considering artwork for Christmas this year:
Important dates for paintings:
Order by: Oct 31
for packages to be mailed by: Dec 12.
or for local pick up by: Dec 23.
I am currently taking on holiday orders for paintings until October 31st. Ordering by this date ensures you will receive your piece by December 23rd. Orders are done on a pick up or mail out basis, and packages will be mailed before December 12th (which is Canada Post’s recommended cut off date to receive by Christmas) . Local (Calgary, AB) orders will be ready for pick up for the week of December 19 to 23, and a day/time will be confirmed closer to that time. However, if paintings are required sooner than these dates, please let me know asap and I will do my best to work it into my schedule.
To view Pet Portrait examples, frequently asked questions, or to request a quote, please check out my Pet Portrait page. Oh! And Custom Art painting orders are welcome too of course!
At this time I am also starting to take on orders for my Pets-A-Sketch drawings & custom ornaments. These have a shorter turnaround time of approx one week, so they don’t need to be ordered quite as early on in the season as canvas paintings. Like the paintings though, they are on a pick up or mail out basis only.
Important dates for sketches:
Order by: Dec 1 (if mailing is required), to mail by Dec 12.
Order by: Dec 15, for local (Calgary) pick up by Dec 23.
Brand new to my website this year is a page dedicated just to my pet sketches! It has examples, size info, pricing, and order information, which can all be viewed here: robynmillar.com/pet-portraits/pets-a-sketch/ . Orders are generally done by email, and can be sent to artbyrobynmillar@hotmail.com.
Gift Certificates:
If you would like to give a painting or sketch this season, but don’t have access to photos of the recipients pets, or are unsure of what style of artwork they’d like etc… Gift Certificates are available too! These can be mailed by Dec 12, or emailed digitally or picked up in person until December 23rd.
Additional holiday order info:
– All Christmas orders of paintings & sketch ornaments come packaged ready to gift!
– If there are any Christmas painting slots remaining after October 31, they will be available on a first come first serve basis only.
– Paintings ordered after the Christmas slots are sold out will be completed after the holidays.
– Orders are generally done by email, but feel free to get in touch via Facebook or Instagram as well! For emailing, the best way to reach me at is artbyrobynmillar@hotmail.com 🙂