2015 seems to be flying by already – January came & went in a flash, February is almost at the half way point… and no blogging since December :/ whoops! So here is a quick recap of what I’ve been up to since my last post…
Enjoyed some time off with family during the holidays:

En route to BC – I like taking pix out the passenger window lol
Worked on a custom order piece which I will be sharing more details on shortly!
Have been really curious about “what is paint, really?”. Looking up lots of info on paint pigments, and even found a couple cool books on the subject (those that know me know I’m not usually into books, so me buying some is actually a little bit shocking lol! But I’m definitely enjoying it.) :

One of the books I got by Victoria Finlay
Bought a new Moleskine watercolour sketchbook, and am considering firing up a new daily sketching challenge (no concrete plans just yet, but do have some ideas in mind).
Celebrated my birthday recently, and my family spoiled me with an awesome new camera! I know almost nothing about cameras haha, but have always wanted to learn. And so far I’m enjoying the ease of the ‘auto’ functions, and will be trying to learn some manual functions later on. In the meantime I’m enjoying tinkering:

Dusk view of downtown – tinkering with the night landscape function
And of course many many pet portraits are in the works 😀 . I hope to share some pix really shortly, so stay tuned to my blog & facebook page for the latest.
I try not to bombard my blog subscribers with too many posts, but on the flip side it seems I have the occasional month here and there with no posts at all lol. It’s definitely not intentional, but it naturally goes in waves it seems. So though I’d love to post more, sometimes I’m just not able to get to the computer as often as I’d like to. But I do hope to share some new paintings through my blog shortly, so do keep an eye out! Thank you again for reading along 🙂