“An event GONE TO THE DOGS!”

On October 1st I will have a booth set up at Sit Happens’ Dog Appreciation Event, where their existing clients / prospective clients / as well as general public & dog enthusiasts are all invited to attend! This one-day-only event will feature information sessions, a whole marketplace area with various dog related vendors, AND there will even be a BBQ hosted by Global Pet Foods (…featuring BBQ food for people, not for doggies I presume lol).
Please note: It is my understanding that this will be Sit Happens’ only event for fall/winter 2017, as they WILL NOT be hosting a Canine Christmas this year like previous years.
Date: Sunday, October 1st 2017
Time: 10am to 2pm
Place: Sit Happens! Dog Companion Training (#4, 2180 Pegasus Way NE, Calgary)
Admission: FREE! (for dogs & humans)
Parking: Free
There will be swag bags for the first 75 folks to enter, and door prize raffles too (including a sketch gift certificate from yours truly). My booth will be set up inside the entry of the building, and like previous markets I will be bringing artwork examples with me, as well as my sketching supplies to do Pets-a-Sketch work on site. If you’d like to pre-order a sketch to pick up at the event, please feel free to get in touch.
If you do plan to bring your doggie with you to the event, please only do so if they are comfortable in public/social settings. Also if you do bring your dog(s), there will be an area try out different sports and activities that Sit Happens’ offers for those interested. For further info about the event & the participating vendors, please visit Sit Happens’ event page on Facebook HERE.