At the beginning of August I was able to head to BC to visit my family for a few days. It was 38 degrees when I rolled into town, quite smokey (from nearby forest fires), I was bagged (as I did the 7hr drive straight, vs stopping half way per my usual), but all I could think about was that I got to see my WHOLE immediate family in one road trip, woot woot! This rarely happens since we all live all over the place, so I was quite excited.
Anyway! I called this post “Climbing Mountains” because the first day I was home we literally did just that! My dad & I went to the top of Idaho Peak. I’m still getting used to my new camera, aka I have no idea how long the battery lasts yet… and wouldn’t you know, it died as soon as we were in the parking lot haha! But I am really happy with the one pic I did get there (pictured above). After that, I continued to take pix with my phone:

Working our way up.

The goal (view of Idaho Peak from close-ish to the top).

Looking out from the top (towards New Denver / Slocan Lake).

One of many rewards – the flowers!

Making our way back down, with an equally pretty view.
I took dozens of photos and it’s hard for me to narrow it down, but I’ll still wrap it up there lol. But seriously, if you are ever in the area, I recommend this hike! The smell is unbelievable, as well as the views. It’s relatively popular so you do pass a number of folks on the way up & down. Everyone seemed quite friendly. It is considered an easy hike too, which I only agree to with many rest breaks on the way up haha. It was also a spur of the moment hike for us, meaning I had freakin’ flip flops on, but it was still manageable! So perhaps that solidifies its “easy” status as far as serious hikers are concerned 😀 . We had only planned to go to the parking lot (as it’s a super beautiful view from there as well!) to take pix of the flowers / view etc. So when the camera component backfired we opted for the hike. Even in sandals. No regrets tho! 😀
Next up, visiting my mom & sis (& much more fam jam too!) camping on Kootenay Lake for a couple days:

Looking out at Kootenay Lake (a bit smokey, but still lovely!)

Inukshuk on the wharf.
I didn’t manage to get many pix while out at the lake (whoops!), but enjoyed relaxing and hanging out with loved ones – played with the kids, chatted to the wee hours, went wild huckleberry picking (my fave food ever!), took in the views, and survived the heatwave lol. En route back to Calgary I got to stay with my other sis & she very radly offered to make huckleberry tarts with my berry haul, yummm. Thankfully she caught a pic of these delicious morsels before they disappeared:

Mmmmm… homemade huckleberry tarts.
The trip was lovely but per usual it felt way too short. But I’ll take whatever fam/BC time I can get! 😀
I’ve been wanting to take pictures up at Idaho Peak for a while now to work on a new painting series, and with my camera dying this round it just means I have to wait a little while longer. But the bonus is it also just means I’ll have to go back up soon! Don’t worry, I will charge my camera next time… and also have a spare battery too, haha! 🙂
Hi Robyn,
So nice to see the photos of your trip! I love the Western Anemone flowers, they are my absolute favourite flower right now.
Looking forward to seeing some landscape paintings sometime in the future (hoping you post some)
Hi Verna,
Thanks so much for your note here! I apologize I didn’t see it until just now – my comment notifications aren’t working at all apparently lol 😀
Those Western Anemones are definitely the coolest flowers I’ve ever seen! They remind me of something magical out of “Who-ville” (Dr Seuss) 🙂