I hope you had a great Christmas season, and are fitting in some good rest & relaxation before the ol ‘regular grind’ resumes come January 🙂 .
The months leading up to the holidays is always crazy in the studio. But always fun! I had various paintings to complete, in addition to Pets-A-Sketch orders. So needless to say my blogging skills haven’t been so good lately haha! As soon as all the Xmas orders were on their way to their homes this year, I headed off to BC to recharge with family. So a regular painting schedule + blog posts should be ‘business as usual’ come the new year.
In the meantime, I wanted to share some of my fave pix from the studio leading up to Christmas (which I couldn’t share til now):

One piece had 4 generations of family doggies brought together on one canvas 🙂

Jake was one of the only kitty orders this year, and one of my fave faces 🙂

Some of the sketch ornaments that headed out of town…

And one of the local sketch orders done in 5×7 form.
All in all 2014 has been another great year, and I couldn’t have done it without all the support & referrals / orders / purchases / social network shares / and so on… It all helps me to keep on doing what I love – being a full time artist! And for that I’m so grateful!! So thank you again 😀
Looking forward to what 2015 has in store, and wishing you a very happy new year!