Last week, this adorable little fellow’s painting was given as a surprise birthday gift from daughter to mother over in New Brunswick!
A couple of days later, I received this very sweet note on my Facebook Art Page:
“The painting is a spitting image of him. It’s the best birthday gift I ever received. The likeness of my dog is unbelievable really. Will always cherish it, even made arrangements for my daughter to take care of it if something happens to me… You got his personality in the painting for sure….he is the little boy I never had haha! Your work is awesome keep up the good work to make people happy as I was on the weekend….Great work Robyn again THANKS!”
Big thanks to Nikko’s “sister” for coordinating this gift 🙂 , and for Nikko’s “mum” for taking the time out of her birthday weekend so send me such a thoughtful message! <3