I’m excited to finally share some details on my NEW MIXED MEDIA SERIES with you!
I’ve always loved the look of mixed media artwork (which can combine anything from paint to pencil/ pen/ wax/ ink/ paper/ dye/ photos/ text/ wood/ metal/ plastics/ fabrics/ found objects/ and so on – the sky is the limit really!), and I’m particularly drawn to ones that incorporate photos in some way. I have to admit, this series has been in the works for a loooong long time, mainly because it hinged on several different factors merging together. BUT it was worth the time I had put in as I’m really enjoying working on these new pieces! Here are some of the factors that helped this come to fruition…

1. On the technical side –
This new series combines art techniques I’ve learned dating all the way back from childhood up to present day. Examples would be collaging as a kid, abstract painting experimentation over the years, picking up cool image transfer tricks at college, as well as trying out new (and some not so new, but new to me, lol) art products and mediums. Adding this all together equals some fun (and to be totally honest frustrating on occasion) ‘mad scientist’ style studio time lol, which was totally creatively liberating.

2. On the aesthetic side –
As far back as I can remember I’ve been drawn to antiqued & weathered looking items. The patinas, the markings, it all tells a unique story, and gives them a warm appearance & feel. An appreciation for antiques and vintage items was instilled in me at a young age, often searching garage sales and flea markets for treasures with family. Over the years I’ve enjoyed incorporating lots of texture and layers in the majority of my (non-Pet Portrait related) work, often including a warm and subtle patina style to the finish. This aesthetic quality is mirrored in this new series.

3. On the photography side –
These pieces also incorporate photos that I’ve snapped myself (as well as the occasional appearance from family that they’ve donated 🙂 ). I may mostly take pics with my iPhone these days, but I do enjoy the results nonetheless! Some day I’d like to delve into the photography art form moreso with a proper DSLR camera. But in the meantime I’m happy snapping ‘in the moment’ shots, because (for me anyway) they represent the moments how I experience them, often in motion during a walk or as a passenger on a road trip for example.
And so, when adding these three main elements up they contributed to & yielded my fun new mixed media series. I’m super excited about it! I’ve recently completed three pieces to show/sell during the Castlegar Art Walk this summer, and promptly worked on more having four new pieces currently in the works already. They are just so fun to do!! This series is untitled so far (because that’s just how fresh it is!), but I just wanted to share with you a little on how these came about in the meantime.
To view my completed mixed media pieces to date, feel free to check out my new Mixed Media portfolio page HERE and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear your feedback.