Earlier in the month I got to spend some time with Mr Nero the adorable Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and was also able to get some new “doppelgänger” snaps of him too!
I guess I should jump in with why I call them “doppelgänger” pix since I haven’t blogged much about them… YET! (More coming from now on I promise!) – Well when you whittle it down, doppelgänger means ‘look-a-like’ (without being a twin)… so I thought it was quite fitting when I heard of the word and it kind of just stuck from then on out lol.
Anywho, here are some snaps of Nero during his impromptu mini-shoot:

No secrets here… treats = success! 😀
We even tried to get some pictures together!

just chillin’
And here it is – my favourite Animal Doppelganger picture of sweet lil Nero:

Nero doppelgänger photo
When in Rome – we also got some pix of his big sister kitty Sweets (pix coming soon!). In the meantime, feel free to check out my facebook photo album of Doppelganger pictures to date HERE.
Do you have your very own pictures of your pet posing with their painting you want to share? Feel free to send them my way, I’d love to feature them!