Victoria BC & area friends – Did you know that I have a pet portrait display at Mille Fiori Spa? I’m excited to share that they now carry a selection of my Pet Art Cards as well! Five all new designs featuring pups of Victoria actually:

The lovely owner there commissioned me to paint her fur babies (Beatrix & Ozlo) about a year and a bit ago, and proudly displays them in her boutique space. When she ordered them in card form, she also requested additional cards featuring Victoria pups which is super cool! So here we have (pictured above): Beatrix (top left), Ozlo (top middle), Charlie (top right), Sully (bottom left) and Kona (bottom right).
So feel free to pop on by to check things out (they are located at 946 Meares St) and be sure to say hello to Beatrix the adorable “shop dog” (the Brussels Griffon pictured here) who often comes in with her momma 🙂
Ps – I just saw on Mille Fiori’s Facebook page that today happens to be Beatrix’s 4th birthday! So cute!