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MIXED MEDIA: Nelson edition


Six new Mixed Media paintings are now up on my website! And I’m super excited to share pix. Above is a sneak peek, but please visit my Mixed Media portfolio page to view full images of each. All six are currently available, so please feel free to get in touch with me with questions or purchase inquiries 🙂 . This series is near and dear to me, and below is an artist statement on this set in particular:

Modern Nostalgia: Reflections in Paint (Nelson edition)

Memories & images always go hand in hand for me – each captures a moment in time. The Modern Nostalgia series combines three elements that I hold dear: painting, photography, and a rustic aesthetic. At its core, it mixes old and new – from the timeworn buildings in a modern backdrop, to past memories and new experiences.

My roots are in the Kootenays, and I will always consider it home. While I now live and work in Calgary AB, I continually miss the landscape. During a trip to Nelson last fall I made a special point to take photos of the beautiful foliage and local scenery – from Gyro Park to Vernon St, and of course the iconic Big Orange Bridge.

The city of Nelson is beautiful all year round, but in autumn it strikes a special chord. I took it upon myself to utilize these fall images as the inspiration for my Nelson edition of this series. The weathered painting style is mixed with modern mixed media techniques creating a warm feel. And although my studio is hundreds of kilometers away, it brought me home creating these Reflections in Paint.

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