Merry Christmas all! I hope you are having a great holiday season, filled with joyous times with family & friends.
The last few months have been the busiest to date, with a crazy 26 Christmas paintings completed (amongst other fun projects too of course 🙂 )! Oh man!! It’s been non-stop painting mode in these parts, and now that the big day has arrived I can finally share pix with you, EEEEEP! I just couldn’t wait haha.
23 new Pet Portraits are now viewable HERE (with two more being posted soon due to a couple of clients’ belated Xmas festivities), and one very sweet landscape keepsake painting can be seen HERE. I do plan to write blogs on some of the individual pieces after the holidays as well of course, so keep your eyes peeled on my blog feed or facebook page for details 🙂
Thank you sooo much for your continued support, it truly means so much – and for helping 2013 be my best year yet!! <3 Wishing you relaxation throughout the rest of the holiday season, a fun New Years, and a happy & healthy 2014!
(Above pictures – top left: “before” shot of canvases, top middle: mini cypress tree keeping me company while I paint Xmas orders lol, top right: partial “after” shot with finished Xmas orders, bottom left: order packages heading out of town, bottom middle: custom freehand sketch ornaments, bottom right: final paintings packaged to head out before the holidays)