Earlier this month, a doodle named Gromit got a portrait done in acrylic on 8″x10″ canvas. The painting was a result of a Gift Certificate purchased from a mother to give her daughter as a surprise birthday gift, which I thought was so sweet! The birthday girl got in touch with me almost immediately to redeem the GC, and I don’t blame her because look at how stinkin’ cute her doggie is 😀 !! As soon as she received the finished painting she took a pic of Gromit posing with it, which I always love:
(If you are having trouble viewing the image, you can also view it HERE)
She warned me that Grommie had just got a haircut, so he is much fluffier in his painting than the photo. But it’s all good! I love these pix, as well as far too impatient to wait for his hair to grow back out to see said pix lol. 🙂
If you’d like to view the full image of the painting (not just the close up shown at the top), you can view it on my Pet Portrait Portfolio page.