Guess what? I have some exciting news to share đ :
“I now have a new art display set up at the Fireside Inn in Castlegar BC!”
That place sure does sound familiar, you say? -You are correct! We teamed up in the summer during the Castlegar Art Walk, and then they were kind enough to invite me back after – Woop woop!! So this weekend I got to install a new art display there, which means that six 8″x8″ mixed media paintings featuring local imagery (including 3 brand new pieces!) are on display & available for purchase. If you are in the area and would like to pop in to take a peek, please feel free – the staff is extremely friendly! (A link with a map is available on my ‘Showings‘ page.)
As for my next post… I suppose it’s fitting to share closer up pix of these new pieces I speak of, lol!! Coming your way very soon đ