My previous post was all about my new custom art desk, and now I’d like to take you on a little tour of the drawers. This unit has completely changed my workspace! My studio finally feels homey and complete (you know that “where have you been all my life” feeling? Ya that one, haha).
When I was designing the desk I thought about what I would like to store in the drawers, and where I would like them situated for optimal convenience.
Like a thin one at the top to hold my paint palettes:

A larger one for my painting clothes:

And an easy access small ‘go to’ drawer that holds the tools I use all the time throughout the day:

My favourites by far are the vertical ones! I wanted to create two unique drawers that can pull all the way out and double as a paint brush holder and a narrower paint tube holder:

I’m sooo happy with how these turned out! I can stash all the paint tubes that I’m using for a current painting in there, it takes up relatively little desktop space when in use, then when I’m done for the day I just plunk it back into it’s home in the unit! Easy peasy. So so so love. Here’s the paint tube holder /slash/ drawer in action on the desktop:

Since I’m right handed, I planned the placement of the paint brush drawer to be near my left hip when I’m sitting so I can quickly open it with my left hand and grab brushes out with my right hand in one quick and easy swoop. This is my view of the brush drawer while I’m painting:

I enjoyed designing the desk, had fun helping my dad in the shop making it, DID NOT like bringing it up the 4 flights of stairs up to our apartment I’m not gonna lie, loved setting it up and making the labels for the drawers & filling it up, felt right at home painting at it immediately, and honestly couldn’t be more tickled with it! HUZZA for organization and Drawers Galore!