I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bit behind on my blog entries 😀 . And although it’s later into January than I usually write this post, I still wanted to put together my annual Holiday Season Recap! It has been a tradition for the past five years, and I do not want to stop now 🙂 . So below I’d like to highlight the artwork that was completed in the last few months of the year, all of which headed out under Christmas Trees in December 2018:
From October to December I completed 10 acrylic on canvas Pet Portraits, as well as approximately 60 Pets-a-Sketch pieces. One pet was even ordered in both portrait formats and headed to Victoria BC! Beautiful Monty the cat, shown below:
Some of the holiday orders this year were local, and some even traveled to the East & West coasts of the country! Individual photos of each acrylic painting can be viewed in my Pet Portrait Portfolio if you’d like to see bigger pix of those guys. The majority of the sketches that were ordered this year seemed to be in the ornament format, so I have put together a collage of 40 of them here:
A unique sketch that was ordered was in the form of a greeting card, that was given as a custom Christmas card between co-worker friends. It featured the recipient’s adorable cat Ullar, drawn in ink + watercolour with name text upgrade. Below is a video of the custom card showing it from all angles:
(if you’re having trouble viewing the video, you can also view it directly in Instagram here)
One of my favourite things ever about painting people’s pets for them is when they send me pix of their pet with their artwork! Here are some “Animal Doppelgänger” snaps I received over the holidays, I love these so much:

Primo posing with his acrylic on canvas painting.

Senior doggie Missy posing with her acrylic portrait.

Mango with his framed watercolour Pets-a-Sketch. (Ps I love his sweater so much haha)

Double doppelgänger! Cotton & Candy posing with their framed watercolour Pets-a-Sketch.
Earlier on in the season I also prepared a handful of new small-scale work for Kootenay Gallery’s “Christmas at the Gallery” show & sale. I created a combo of landscapes & florals, done in various mediums: oil on panel, acrylic on canvas, as well as ink + watercolour on paper. For availability of these paintings and sketches please feel free to get in touch, or you can also contact Kootenay Gallery directly:

I want to thank all of my clients and supporters for following along with my art updates during the holidays and throughout the whole year. Your commissions, shares, and referrals help me to keep creating art, and for that I’m always so very grateful. I hope that your 2018 was wonderful, and that your 2019 is off go a great start too! Happy belated New Year 🙂
Stay Connected: